The first event was the showing of the feature documentary Sierra Leone's Regfugee Allstars. A story of a band formed by refugees from Sierra Leone in Guinea and their return home.
The second event, attended by about 60 people was an evening of short film and discussion entitled 'Do We Do Enough?'. There were 3 short films and 2 talks from refugees who kindly shared their experiences of the asylum system with the crowd. The films we showed were the following and you can watch them here.
The Destitution Trap, by Refugee Action:
Sanctuary, by Lovejit K Dhaliwal: (this is not the full version)
Sanctuary from Lovejit Dhaliwal on Vimeo.
And 1000 Voices, by Tim Travers Hawkins:
Ctrl.Alt.Shift Film Competition Winner: 1000 Voices from Ctrl.Alt.Shift on Vimeo.
It sparked some interesting discussion in an almost full room and was successful in drawing in lots of new faces not already involved with refugees and asylum seekers in Leeds. Thanks to LIFF for facilitating our events at their festival this year.