On Wednesday 13 March, the
West Yorkshire Playhouse hosted the press night of their adaption of Benjamin
Zephaniah’s novel ‘Refugee Boy.’ Zephaniah’s novel is a fictional portrayal of
a boy, Alem, who leaves Ethiopia during the civil war in the late 90s and seeks
refuge in Britain. The set of the play, designed by Emma Williams, is open plan
and multi-dimensional, with stacked suitcases alluding to Alem’s quest for
sanctuary and to ultimately shed his refugee boy status. Fisayo Akinade’s
portrayal of Alem is well-crafted and depicts a sweet, dynamic and enterprising
boy who tries his hardest to assimilate into British culture. Such a depiction
challenges the negative perception of refugees and asylum seekers; Alem is
brave, polite, cheerful and immensely likeable. As the play progresses he
develops genuine friendships with his car-obsessed, care home companion
Mustafa, and foster sister Ruth. Nevertheless, frequent flashbacks to his
homeland and glimpses of marauding soldiers threatening his parents jar with
his increasingly stable domestic set up, and remind the audience of his
underlying anguish and painful journey.
The play repeatedly refers to
a moment before Alem’s separation from his parents, when he is with his father
counting the stars in the British sky; his father’s insistence that Alem counts
in English re-emphasises his good intentions and aspirations for his son. When
Alem’s mother is killed, his father returns to Britain to be reunited with his
son; whilst the two of them negotiate the formalities of the Refugee Council,
in a bitter twist of fate Alem’s father, having escaped the violence and
brutality of his homeland, is murdered in Britain.
Sissay’s adaption of ‘Refugee
Boy’ is a humorous, moving and compelling drama with thought-provoking
performances. Alem’s story may be one of many, but the play highlights the
complexities of his situation and widespread impact of his search for asylum.
His foster family provide him with a sense of belonging, yet have to relinquish
their care upon his father’s arrival, and the emotional trauma of such an
occurrence is keenly felt. Perhaps most importantly, ‘Refugee Boy’ discourages
generalizations and impresses that those with refugee status should not be reduced
to a mere statistic but, like those of us holding citizenship, are similarly
individuals with personal dreams, stories and affections.